69. THE WHEEL OF EARTH by Helga Sandburg. McDowell, Obolemsky, 1958.
Miss Sandburg, the daughter of poet and biographer Carl Sandburg, incorporates in her good and very longthy novel on rural life during the 20s and 30s an im... portant contribution to Lesbian literaturo. The young-
est daughter of a farn family, Frankie Gaddy rebels against her father and lives with an older Lesbian woman, Genevieve Whoolor. Their love and life together is troated well and sympathetically. One entire section of the five-part novel is devoted to them and they appear throughout the book to the very end. At the conclusion they are still happily living together after 12 years. Since they are a vital part of the total novol it is significant that this book has received extreme critical praise.
70. TWILIGHT WOMEN by Les Scott. Beacon Books, 1956.
An exotic piece of erotica, resplendent with pagan rites, voluptuous priestesses and unhoard-of generosity. On the waves of high adventuro, sailing from Greenwich Village to old Polynesia, the tale bares promise of a most unusual ending.
71. WOMEN WITHOUT MEN by David George Kin. Brookwood Publishing Corp., N.Y., 1958.
The unsympathetic male author has gathered the background data of the lives of most famous literary and artistio Losbians during the past 50 years in Greenwich Village, thinly disguising and modernizing them into a 1930 setting. The stories are very interesting (one or two are quite sympathetic in spite of the author's attitude) and the writing is a cut abova tripe for a change. This is a must for most Lesbiana collectors since short stories on Les-
bians are rare. Anyone fairly well-versed with the doings of the literati will recognize old friends here.